It’s probably easiest to re-wind a little, to tell you about who I am.
During my undergraduate degree in my early twenties, I was lucky enough to study a semester abroad in Australia. I enrolled at one of the top universities in the world to study neuroscience and marketing. I was also the Marketing Manager at the largest hair and beauty retailer in the country. It was the best job; my day consisted of collaborating with influencers and blogging – something completely new to me.
After jumping 14,000ft out of a plane, snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef, and riding an elephant through a safari in Bali, it was time to return to the motherland. I didn’t just come back to England with a golden brown tan (with no sign of return) but also the urge to set up a blog. As soon as I touched down in England, I continued my career in influencer marketing and SEO. One day in 2013 a group of us in the office decided to give this ‘blogging malarky’ a go.
Google Analytics started to make more sense, I had a constant fuel of inspiration during my research at work, and my writing started to improve. The blog became a platform for experimenting with code, flexing my creative muscles, and exercising my growing SEO and analytical knowledge. It wasn’t long before the blog yielded a healthy income. It helped me purchase my first house at 23 years old (just a stone-throw from the beach!). It pays my mortgage, furnished my property, and it took me on some CRAZY adventures, whilst giving me career opportunities that money couldn’t buy.
The blog became a huge part of my life alongside my career in SEO.
Fast-forward to 2015, I met my (now) husband and quit my management job to launch my own SEO and PPC agency. It was terrifying but undoubtedly the best decision I ever made. Every day there is a new challenge so I’ve decided to write about that stuff over here on the blog. I know what you’re thinking. I get it. Your feed is full of ‘growth hackers’ and sales funnels. We’ve seen it all before but how credible are these people?
This is a REAL issue and it frustrates me when people dish out advice but don’t have the first clue what they’re doing. I’ve seen so many ‘experts’ that are advising things which could be severely detrimental. I make mistakes and I certainly don’t know everything. I do, however, know a thing or two about starting a blog and building a 6-figure business from scratch with no money from my sofa. I’m particularly good at calling-bullshit, too.
I’m not going to bore you with a bragging post about my career achievements, instead, I just hope you enjoy my posts.