List Of The Best Food Festivals. Warning: May Cause Drooling

As autumn nears and we have to make peace with the fact that summer is officially over it’s always nice to look back over the past few months and think about what we’ll miss most from the sunshine-filled months. One of the best things about hot weather is the fact that we can spend so much more time outside and one of my favourite ways to do this is at an event or festival.

Full of people enjoying themselves they’re always such fun and one of the best parts is the food! Festivals and events are often lined with truck after truck selling a vast array of cuisines and treats. So many different smells and sounds fill the air as chefs rustle up their specialities in their trucks, the whir of the diesel generator in the background.

The infographic below showcases some of the best festival foods and treats, now all we have to do is wait for the warm weather to roll around again and we can enjoy them once more!

List of the Best Food Festivals. Warning: May cause drooling | UK Lifestyle Blog

Have you had any great festival food this year? If so let me know what!

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