Getting your head around tax issues can be a rather ‘taxing’ at the best of times (pardon the dreadful pun). For those who have one main source of income – working for an employer – it’s something that never crosses the mind. Out it comes from our wages, without our prompting, and we merely take
Why Other Blogs Get More Traffic Than Yours
When you have a blog to run, one of the main things you hope for is traffic. You want as many people to visit your blog as possible. This is particularly the case if you have a lot of advertising revenue opportunities. However, even just for those who want to use their blog to share ideas and
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Blog Coaching – How I Made My First £10K, And You Can Too!
In 2013, I launched Strawberry Squeeze, which transformed into a successful UK lifestyle blog. Through this endeavour, I exercise my analytical knowledge, flex my creative muscles. I’ve developed relationships with SEO, PR and content agency, as well as the likes of Nike, New Look, John Lewis, L’Oreal & Debenhams. I never dreamed that my hobby
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How I Quit My Job And Went Freelance
As many of you already know, I recently quit my management job in a successful digital marketing agency to pursue the self-employed dream. Let’s just get things straight here, and why my situation is slightly different to a lot of peoples.. I actually really loved my job doing SEO in Cornwall; the people I worked with
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Costs You Should Consider Before Going Freelance
Saving money is always a good idea, especially if you are thinking of going self-employed. Whether your a high-earning or still making ends meet, you should be aiming to squirrel away as much as possible every month. Working out exactly how much you need to live (plus a little extra) when deciding whether or not
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6 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Making Money
On WordPress and Blogger and private domain websites all across the internet, there are millions of blogs covering every single topic you can imagine. Blogs are very similar to journals in that they have dated posts that appear at the top position on the site whenever the owner publishes. This constant updating was very attractive
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How To Make Money On Your Blog
Most people don’t consider blogging to be a career or a tool to make a substantial income but nowadays bloggers such as Zoella have successfully turned their little space on the web into a full-time job! Pretty impressive, huh? In this article we are going to discuss a few tips and tricks about how to