• How I Quit My Job And Went Freelance

    As many of you already know, I recently quit my management job in a successful digital marketing agency to pursue the self-employed dream. Let’s just get things straight here, and why my situation is slightly different to a lot of peoples.. I actually really loved my job doing SEO in Cornwall; the people I worked with

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  • Freelancer Tips For a Better Work Environment

    I don’t know about you, but I find it so hard to concentrate when it’s messy! I mean, I hate housework as much as the next girl, but it really zaps my motivation. A lot of us have unfortunate tendencies to put it off over and over again. Before you know it, there’s thick layers of dust

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  • Costs You Should Consider Before Going Freelance

    Saving money is always a good idea, especially if you are thinking of going self-employed. Whether your a high-earning or still making ends meet, you should be aiming to squirrel away as much as possible every month. Working out exactly how much you need to live (plus a little extra) when deciding whether or not

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