How To Live Your Life If You Want To Change The World

Many people say that they want to change the world when asked what they want to do with their lives. However, to change the world you don’t have to become president, or even famous. By taking the following steps in your life, you can change the world in your own way. The smallest thing can impact more lives than you realise. Read on if you want to know how to live your life so you can change the world!

How To Live Your Life If You Want To Change The World | UK Lifestyle Blog

Focus On Yourself First

So many people look outside themselves to change the world. Little do they realise that they can’t change the world if they don’t focus on themselves first! To some, focusing on themselves might seem selfish and even narcissistic. But this isn’t the case at all. Any change in the world must first start with the person wanting to change the world. In fact, simply focusing on yourself could be enough to change the world, although you might never realise it.

So, how do you focus on yourself? Work on self-love. Work on your daily habits. Work on feeling good. Your inner world creates your outer world. Your energy says a lot about you, and people can react to it in different ways. If you have a great energy, you’re going to have a much better time trying to change the world and attract better experiences to you.

Do Things That Make You Feel Good

If something makes you feel good, that’s a good indication you should go and do it. Learning to listen to your intuition will help you to go with the flow more. When you’re in the flow, some people say that you’re more open to receiving ‘divine inspiration’. You know, instructions from the universe. It may seem like your own thought or idea, but really, the universe decided to drop it into your consciousness because you were open to it. Follow these hunches. You’ll more than likely make a massive difference by following them!

Be Positive

Training yourself to feel and be positive can be difficult if you’re not naturally a positive person. However, it’s possible providing you’re consistent. You don’t have to entertain negative thoughts. You can simply let them float by and observe them, then let them go. Replace them with a better feeling thought. Look on the bright side of life. Some might call you a Pollyanna, but you’ll be having a better time and so will the people around you.

By raising your energy, vibration, or whatever you want to call it, you can make a difference to a huge amount of people without even coming into contact with them! It might sound strange, but many new age thinkers and researchers back this up. Your thoughts make a bigger difference to the world around you than you know.

How To Live Your Life If You Want To Change The World | UK Lifestyle Blog

Extend Love and Kindness To Everyone You Meet

Once you have lots of love for yourself, you’re ready to extend love and kindness to everyone you meet. You don’t need to go around hugging people and telling them you love them, unless you really want to. Just see people through the eyes of love. That person who said something rude to you? Shower them with love in your head.

Absolutely everybody should be showered with love. This helps for a number of reasons. For a start, holding grudges only ever hurts you. Secondly, you become a person who cannot be messed with. By extending love and kindness to everyone you meet, you’ll make a huge impact. People will always remember how you made them feel.

Pay It Forward

There’s a new trend that seems to be sweeping the world. Paying it forward! Let’s say you usually go for a coffee in the morning before work. How about buying another one and telling the cashier that it’s for the next person in the cue? There’s evidence to suggest that this kind of gesture has a domino effect. There are stories of ‘pay it forward’ gestures being carried on for hours and hours after the original person left!


If you want to make an immediate difference to those around you, you could consider volunteering. This could be at a charity shop in your hometown, or flying somewhere overseas to help people in need. Volunteering isn’t always easy. You don’t get paid for it, and you’ll likely have to pay to fly over and become enrolled on a program. However, it’s always worth it. You get to feel like you’re part of a community. People know you by name. Speaking to those who have done it will make you realise that there aren’t many better feelings than this!

How To Live Your Life If You Want To Change The World | UK Lifestyle Blog


Meditation is another way you can focus on yourself while making a difference to the environment around you. Meditation is all about stilling your thoughts and becoming present in the moment. You focus on your breath. You focus on noises outside. You bring attention back to your body. A thought pops in, and you let it float past. You catch yourself daydreaming, you bring yourself back.

It takes practice, but you will find that you are far happier when you keep up a consistent meditation routine. Even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes a day. There are studies that show that meditation can actually affect certain areas positively. A group of meditating monks were dropped in different areas and studied. In some areas, the crime rate went down. In some, the stock market went up. Try it for yourself and see!

Consider Changing Your Eating Habits

Now, you should eat in a way that feels good to you. However, many people who want to change the world choose to change their eating habits. Some become pescetarian, only eating fish and cutting out all other meat products. Some become vegetarian, where no meat products are consumed.

Then there are vegans, who don’t eat meat or any products derived from animal by products. This means no milk, eggs, honey, or leather products. However, you should never feel under pressure to put a label on yourself. If you simply make conscious decisions when you eat and buy, you could make a huge difference.

Become An Ambassador And Speak Out

If you feel strongly about something, become an ambassador for it and speak out. Many people who stop eating animal products decide to become a voice for the animals, as they can’t speak for themselves. Some simply decide to stop something shady going on at work. Don’t be afraid to speak out for what you believe in!

Develop A Career That Helps People

Our careers pay the bills, but it’s a good idea to make sure they are satisfying to us too. Developing a career that helps people can help you to do this. There are so many career paths out there you could take that will help others as well as make you feel good. How about looking at nursing jobs, care jobs, or even support worker roles? Think of the difference you’d like to make and who to.

How To Live Your Life If You Want To Change The World | UK Lifestyle Blog

Work With Companies That Want To Change The World

Do your research on brands and companies that are making an effort to change the world too. There are many issues out there, from companies not giving their overseas workers a fair wage to treating animals inhumanely. When you do your research, you can only buy from companies who want to change the world too. Then you’ll be increasing demand for them and making an even bigger difference.

Know That Small Things Make A Huge Difference

You don’t have to build houses for all homeless people to make a huge difference to the world. The smallest thing can make such a huge difference. There’s a saying that claims something as small as the flap of a butterfly’s wing can have a huge impact around the world. Think of the difference you could make by smiling at a stranger, striking up a conversation in a coffee shop, or giving a homeless person a sandwich? These things do make a massive difference, no matter what you think.

Let Go Of Judgements

We have all judged at one time or another. Some do it more than others. However, it’s important to realise that the judgements we make on other people usually say more about us than it does about them. Some people even believe that the judgements we make on others are there because we see the same thing in ourselves. When you catch yourself judging somebody or something, let it go. This will serve you so much better in the long run.

Be Authentic

Make sure that whatever you decide to do, you are being your authentic self. Before you do anything, listen to your gut and make sure it resonates with you. If something doesn’t feel good, this likely means you’re not being true to yourself. You were put here for a reason. Be true to yourself and everything you do will shine and stand out!

What are you waiting for? Change yourself and change the world!  

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