3 Tips For Dog Owners Leaving Lockdown

As the vaccine rolls out rapidly, the end is in sight for lockdowners in Britain and beyond. While this is great news for us, it’s bad news for many pets who have gotten used to having their owners around 24/7.

But let’s face it – your cat will probably be fine. Unless you’re the proud owner of a particularly affectionate feline, chances are it will barely notice you’ve gone out, being only occasionally inconvenienced by the lack of staff to refill the food bowl.

Your dog, on the other hand, that anxious yet faithful friend that follows you from room to room, may not have such an easy time. To help them with the transition back to normality, check out these three tips to ease your pooch post-lockdown.

3 Tips For Dog Owners Leaving Lockdown | UK Lifestyle Blog

1. Perfect your routine

Over the last year, you may have become lackadaisical about certain aspects of your routine. You’ll still take your dog for walks twice a day, but when you feel like it. Dinnertimes too may not be as so rigid as they once were, and rules about dogs on the sofa may have relaxed lately too.

There’s nothing especially wrong with this while you’re at home with your canine companion. But as soon as you leave the house, they’ll need structure and stability.

Try to predict future changes in routine and enact them as soon as possible. For instance, if a return to the morning commute means those daily walks will take place much earlier in the morning (or late in the day), make a start now! You’ll miss the lie-ins, but it’s good practice for you and your dog.

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3 Tips For Dog Owners Leaving Lockdown | UK Lifestyle Blog

2. Keep in contact with your vet

This is an evergreen tip for pet parents at any time, but particularly post-lockdown. Keeping on top of those regular check-ups will be even more crucial now that you’re spending less time with your dog, as you’re less likely to pick up on those little signs and symptoms that could indicate things aren’t quite right.

This is particularly important if your dog is a new addition to your household, as it’s crucial to ensure they’ve had the right treatments and vaccines. They may also have underlying allergies and if you have any concerns about this, it’s worth finding a vet that’s partnered with a specialist like Avacta Animal Health.

Having a trusted vet on hand gives you peace of mind knowing your dog is fit, healthy, and in safe hands.

3 Tips For Dog Owners Leaving Lockdown | UK Lifestyle Blog

3. Socialising

Just like humans, your dog may well have missed out on valuable socialisation with other dogs over the past year.

A great way to help them catch up is to enroll them in a doggy daycare.

Even if it’s just one or two days a week, not only is it a practical way to ensure your dog is looked after once you’re back in the office, but it allows them to spend valuable playtime with other pups – something that is vital for your dog’s development and wellbeing at any age.

We hope these three tips turn that tricky post-lockdown transition into a walk in the park for you and your pooch.

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