Want To Make Your Home More Stylish? Be A Rule Breaker!

There are hundreds, possibly even thousands, of posts out there on the internet about what you need to do in order to create the most attractive, stylish home possible. A lot of these are truly fantastic and offer you the chance to turn your home into something really special. But they do come with one problem. A lot of the advice that people are given about how to decorate their home follows a fairly specific set of rules.

There are so many rules about how people’s homes should look and while they can be useful, a lot of the time they just end up limiting the kind of interesting creatives that you might be capable of. Not only is this going to make it difficult for you to really create the home that you want, but it also makes it that much more likely that your home’s going to look just like everyone else’s. To stop that from happening, here are some ways that you can throw out the home design rule book and try to do things a little differently.

Want To Make Your Home More Stylish? Be A Rule Breaker! | UK Lifestyle Blog


Lighting is one of the most important things there is when it comes to creating a sense of space, mood, and comfort in your home. But most of the time people use it in pretty similar ways. Soft lights and lamps in the living room and bedroom, brighter and more vibrant lights in the kitchen. These are good rules and offer a great starting point, but that doesn’t mean that you always have to be limited by them.

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Why not think about having more of a focus on natural light throughout the house? Setting up mirrors and using coloured walls to make the most of it. Or why not introduce a splash of colour and excitement by using LED strip lights along the staircase or around your shelves? That kind of thing is sure to make an impression on anyone who steps into your home.


The vast majority of rooms have a pretty clear layout that you’re “supposed” to follow. In fact, there are a lot of cases in which rooms are specifically designed to be laid out in a certain way. But it’s your home, isn’t it? Why do you have to do things the obvious way? Experiment with the layout of your home and try to figure out some interesting things that you can do. It might not always work, but there’s always a chance you’ll come up with something totally unique that works perfectly.


The amount of colour that you can bring into your home is the subject of a surprising amount of debate. Of course, no home is complete without a splash of colour here and there, but a lot of people seem to think that you shouldn’t go any further than that. Plain, magnolia walls are pretty much standard in any home at this point, and the idea is that you’re supposed to use decorations to introduce colour into it.

If you’re more interested in something a little more dramatic, why not paint a single wall a bright color and turn it into a feature of the room? You could even try something unusual like keeping the walls plain but painting the ceiling. That way you keep a sense of light and space, but you’re still able to bring a specific colour palette to each room.

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