5 Reasons Why Blog Commenting Rocks (& Don’t Forget To Comment!)

Just by taking a few seconds to leave a comment, we are getting a lot back. Really. Blog commenting can be a very effective promotion strategy if you can do it the right way. When done correctly, commenting can bring you lots of benefits, such as:

5 Reasons Why Blog Commenting Rocks (& Don’t Forget To Comment!) | UK Lifestyle Blog
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Active blog commenting plays an important role in Promotion: Yan Susanto from ThouShallBlog is a perfect example of this. Yan is everywhere! You can find him commenting on several blogs everywhere every day. The results? He’s built a large audience and his blog is now known to many out there.

Build reputation and authority: Every time we interact with other fellow bloggers and their audiences, we build our reputation and increase our authority.By spending some time to contribute and comment on other blogs, we’re increasing our expertise since we’re exposing ourselves to new ideas and different points of view which helps us wide our vision of things. Also, we’re creating awareness.

Increase your traffic: If you comment on, say, three blogs per day, you may not only be building links but also increasing your site’s traffic. Don’t keep yourself from commenting if that blog is a nofollow one -such as mine- because, unlike most search engines, people ignore nofollow tags

Develop a Social Network around you: While you’re commenting around, chances are that you will meet some bloggers whom you can develop a social network with. Find partners, make friends and eventually you’ll be getting more business opportunities and at the same time flare up the activity around your site.

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Give and you shall receive: This is based entirely on my own experience. When commenting on a blog, chances are that its owner will return the favor –  and also possibly become a regular commenter if they like my blog long enough to stick around! Have this ever happened to you?

Why I Comment and Why You Should, too

Besides all the reasons listed above, I also enjoy the simple act of voicing my thoughts and interact with other people. When we share our ideas with others we can not only make a more meaningful contribution and gain a greater understanding of the issues, but we also grow as individuals.

The web is not about search engines and links, it’s about people. If you can understand this, then you’ll be a better commenter and get the benefits that blog commenting provides

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