Interview With a Blogger: Wendy From Thankfifi

It’s been a while since I’ve done a blogger interview, but I was absolutely over the moon when I got to speak to the lovely Wendy who writes over at Thankfifi. I’m a big fan of her blog, and got the chance to ask her some questions to get an insider on her life as a blogger and find our more about her website!

If you haven’t read it, I recommend you go check out her great photography and adorable dogs NOW!


Interview with a blogger: Wendy from Thankfifi | UK Lifestyle Blog

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m a huge dog nerd with a fashion and travel blog. I work part time in PR and Marketing and rarely get enough sleep but am usually smiling.

Why did you initially decide to start a blog?

Actually the idea came from a friend, over a coffee one day almost 5 years ago. She suggested my love of fashion, style and photography meant I should have a blog of my own and that if I did she would read it. (Her name is Fi and so the blog name was born). I love creating stories and composing images so it feels natural for me to share these things on the blog – it’s a great creative outlet for me.

What do you blog about and why?

Life and the things I love.

Any advice to anyone that wants to start a blog?

Work hard. Do what you love and love what you do. Try to be consistent, whether that’s posting once a fortnight or once a day, keep it regular. Connect with as many people as possible and work on building those relationships – often it’s not what you know but who you know and being based outwith a major city (Glasgow vs London for me) means you have to work twice as hard to build that aspect. And don’t forget… it’s nice to be nice!

😱➡️  5 ways to make your blogger meet up run smoother

What are the best aspects of running your own blog?

Complete creative freedom.

What are the hardest aspects?

My overflowing inbox! Basically I run every aspect of my own business so juggling the business side as well as the creative side can often be a challenge timewise.

Which social media tools do you use the most?

Instagram… I love it. And it’s full of dog spam which always makes me happy.

What do you enjoy about blogging the most?

Wow, it’s a huge variety of different things and that makes it exciting. First of all, styling outfits and creating good stories and images for blog posts. Social media (Instagram all day every day!). Endless emails, travel and meetings. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Where do you see yourself and your blog in five years time?

Wow, I don’t know. I’m not a huge fan of trying to shoehorn life down a planned out route so I guess I’ll just see where life takes me. Five years ago I couldn’t have predicted I would be here right now – I only launched Thankfifi 4.5 years ago and Instagram wasn’t even a thing then… Things I do know are – I will be surrounded by dogs, likely still blogging, travelling as much as possible and hopefully smiling!

Three blogs you love that we should know?

Gary Pepper Girl’s photography and level of creative editorial always blows my mind… Other favourites include Pinch of Yum for the food envy and Sincerely Jules for the palm trees, travel and easy style.

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