Useful Tips On How To Care For Damaged Hair

It’s amazing what you put your hair through. From the blow dryers to the flat irons, you literally cook your hair at least every other day. It’s no wonder we complain our hair is flat and lifeless. 😭😭😭😭😭

Are you tired of dealing with dull, tired, or frizzy hair? If so, then consider the practices that have brought you to where you are, and what you can change in your routine in order to eliminate as much damage as possible, and learn to care for damaged hair.

Useful tips on how to care for damaged hair | UK Lifestyle Blog

But is my hair even damaged?

Damaged hair is usually rough to the touch. Its condition is dry and brittle, and not at all what you have been working for.

Chemical processing is one of the worst things you can do to your hair, whether it’s a permanent dye job or chemical straightening procedure (we’re all guilty of it!). It’s surprising to also realize that frequent shampooing can weaken your hair. Regularly using heated tools and styling aids can really damage your hair, too. Even too much sun is harmful to your hair, not to mention what’s in the water that you wash and swim in. It seems impossible to win.

The older I get, the more I’m concerned with looking after my hair, skin, and nails. We’ve recently been working in front of cameras with a professional production crew, and we’re getting married next year, so I obviously want to look as fresh and healthy as I can.  It takes time and effort and, sometimes, a bit of radical action, but getting your hair back to a healthy place is well worth the sacrifice.

Although I’ve done a little bit of damage to my hair, it’s not all doom and gloom and it can be fixed.

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Give your hair a break

Begin by giving your hair time off. On the days you can get by with not washing and styling it, by all means, do so. When it is necessary, wash gently with a protein-rich shampoo and conditioner and allow it to dry naturally. I’m lucky that I work from home because I’m not always in a rush to dry my hair. I try to let my hair dry naturally as much as possible, and I prefer to do it in the evenings, allowing it to dry naturally before I go to head.

No matter the texture of your hair, learn to towel blot as much as possible. Do not wring it out with a towel as this contributes to breakage, believe me! I find that using a wide-tooth comb makes my hair beautifully soft when it does eventually dry.  It was difficult for me to ban all brushes from my wet mane, but I knew it was the right thing to do to ensure the best possible condition for my hair.

Take a look at your routine

Is it time to change it to a more protein enriched treatment? I realised I’d been using the same conditioner for years, and when I was at a friend’s house I used her conditioner and decided to switch.

My hair feels SO much better. I’ve started to do a deep conditioning treatment once a week, too. Be certain you are rinsing well as conditioner can build layers on your hair and cause it to become coated and dull.

I always have scalding hot showers, but I was told this is super bad for your hair, stripping it from all it’s natural oils. My hairdresser said to rinse in warm water, and blast your hair with a cool rinse to help seal in moisture once you are certain that your hair is free of any products.

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Avoid sun damage

If you feel that the outside elements are really adding to your damage, you may want to consider some cute hats or scarves. There are so many adorable, floppy summer hats, and I can’t wait to dig my Finisterre beanie back out this autumn. Look good and protect your hair, easy peasy!

**Psst!** Is anybody else using Turkish towels? Loving them rn.

If hats and scarves are not your things, you can purchase a leave-in conditioner or protective spray to combat the sun’s damage. Personally, I find these build up and get quite clumpy in my hair, so I prefer a shopping spree to buy new headwear instead of putting more products in my locks. Each to their own!

Seek professional advice

Every 6 months my hairdresser trims an inch off the tips of my hair. Initially, I hated this. I always wanted to grow my hair longer, so it felt like a step backward every time we took the scissors to it! Now my mane reached the bottom of my back, so I don’t mind losing a couple of inches but actually, it does make my hair healthy, thus grow faster. Don’t fight with your hairdresser on this, they know what they’re doing.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything and your hair isn’t as full as you’d like it to be, you can always have a consultation for naturals hair extensions or consider getting a hair transplant from companies like This is a sure-fire way to get gorgeous, thick, healthy-looking hair quickly, shaving years off your age!

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