4 Things You Can Start Doing Today To Look Younger And Fresher 🌷

Want to stay looking you, or knock a good few years off your current appearance? I’ve always been lucky/unlucky (I haven’t figured it out yet, it depends on my mood and the situation!) enough to look young for my age. As I’m reaching the ripe age of 28 next year *sob sob* I’ve suddenly started worrying about each and every little wrinkle I’ve noticed on my forehead or under my eyes.

Am I really starting to worry about looking old in my twenties? Either way, it’s got me thinking about not only my appearance but also my lifestyle! Following any one of these tips will help, but trying out all four will make a huge difference, making you not only LOOK younger but FEEL younger, too.

4 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Look Younger and Fresher 🌷 | UK Lifestyle BlogEmily tulip print midi skirt with pockets and side zip fastening c/o 405Story (available to buy here).

Keep stress to a minimum

It can seem odd that something strictly internal can have an effect on our external appearance. But the science makes sense. Cortisol is a hormone that lives quite happily in your body until you get stressed. Then, its levels increase to damaging levels.

When increased, it can give you insomnia, which will make you look more tired during the day. It can also cause weight gain, and give you high blood pressure. Obviously, none of these things are good for a youthful appearance! So, focus on stressing less and exercising more. This promotes the release of endorphins, the hormone that makes you feel good.

Hairy maintenance

Starting to lose your hair can be a stressful time in anybody’s life. But the truth is thinning, or thin hair is a sure-fire way to look older than your time. Happily, though, help is at hand. Hair loss products can be very effective. I’ve constantly got an issue of my hair matting together and having to be brushed out in clumps, but deep conditioners help to combat this.

There is plenty of products on the market to find something that suits you. I’ve been using GHD heat protect spray, final shine spray and paddle brush because remember: healthy hair follicles mean healthy hair! Some companies will also give you a free trial to see how you like the product first, or you can buy samples. It’s also advisable to add protein-rich foods into your diet. While they can’t turn back the clock, they will make the hair you have look shinier and thicker.

Oh, and this isn’t just for the ladies… Men, take note! Although beards are undoubtably trendy, there is a difference between Brad Pitt stubble and a fisherman’s overgrown beard of chaos. S has a pretty big beard, but he uses oil to moisturise, a trimmer to tame it – but he also uses a shaving blade to get a close shave around his cheek bones and on his neck.

😱➡️  Tips for growing your hair long

4 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Look Younger and Fresher 🌷 | UK Lifestyle Blog

Reduce alcohol intake

Another important step that it is never too late to take is reducing the amount of alcohol you drink. Or, even better, quitting completely. This is because some of the effects are almost reversible. To be honest, I’m getting a bit fed up of wasting my weekends on the sofa  clutching my stomach anyway…

The Daily Mail charted the difference that stopping drinking altogether can do for the skin and hair here.

You’ll be amazed at the difference just four weeks made to the participant. If you quit drinking too, you’ll find your eyes are less bloodshot and your facial skin less flushed. You will also see an improvement in dry and oily patches on the face. Don’t forget that drinking less can also contribute highly to weight loss.

Quit smoking

We all know that quitting smoking will improve your health, but it’s always useful to be reminded of the tangible benefits. Consider these. Stopping smoking will give you more energy, a better sex life, reduce stress levels and bigger lung capacity. The latter will make all the difference in your later years. As for the damage it does to your appearance?

Firstly, smoke from tobacco dries out your skin, while internally it reduces nutrients and oxygen. Smoking also increases the chance of wrinkles forming on the skin a whopping three times over. Don’t forget about teeth. Good teeth are a strong sign of a healthy person, and stained teeth can add years to your overall look.

This fascinating video from NHS England features a makeup artist showing a 16-year old smoker what doing so will do to her appearance.

No matter your age, or whether you’ve been smoking for two years or 20-years, stopping is always worthwhile. If going cold turkey is too challenging, begin by reducing how many cigarettes you smoke a day. This will make the transition from smoker to ex-smoker much easier. I gave up when I was 20, so I know just how hard it is.

4 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Look Younger and Fresher 🌷 | UK Lifestyle Blog

😱➡️  7 Reasons Why I Think You Should Quit Smoking Right Now

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